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How To Get Rid Of Dandruff On Dogs

how to get rid of dandruff on dogs

Why should your dog have to suffer with dandruff? Us humans have the choice if we want to have dandruff or not. We can get rid of it on our own if we just decide to do so. Dogs however do not have this choice and the rely on us to help them. You need to learn how to get rid of dandruff on dogs. If you do not then you are going to make your dog suffer for long periods of time. If you do not know this already, dandruff is frustrating and irritating on your dogs skin. It can make them very uncomfortable and they will itch and scratch constantly. If you are not worried about this well you should at least be worried about the mess that they can potentially make with their dandruff. Yes they will make a big mess all over your carpet, couch and furniture. So if this bothers you then lets go ahead and get started.

The process of eliminating dog dandruff can be a bit more tough than you think. You have to test a lot of different things and try new ideas. Some things may work better than others and some not so much. I have always found that a change in shampoo seems to be a good first step to take in this process. A lot of times it could be the issue in this. So try doing that, the issue should resolve on its own after a change in shampoo. Another thing that you can try doing is bathing more often and with coconut oil instead of shampoo. Coconut oil is great for skin and can help heal it. Overtime use of coconut oil is not recommended but for short periods it can be fine.

Okay, so you want to try something much more different than the other methods. Let me share with you a little method and remedy I used for my german sheppard when he had severe dandruff problems. If you have never tried aloe vera before then you are in for a treat right now. In the past you may have tried using aloe vera for your skin. Maybe you spent a little bit too much time in the sun and you got a sunburn. well guess what it can also be used to treat dandruff on dogs as well. I bet you had no idea that you could even do that. I know that I had no idea about it at first but eventually tried it on my dog and he loved it. It soothes the skin and makes it nice and healthy. Do this for about a week and see if your dog's skin responds to it.

Like I said before, the process of learning how to get rid of dandruff on dogs is a difficult process. If none of these worked or did anything to help your dog. I would suggest doing a bit more research. Finding out what works for you might be difficult but its worth it.

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