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Potty Training A Puppy

You all know this process, especially if you are a long time owner of a dog already. The whole prcoess of training a dog to go to the bathroom outside is a huge part of owning a dog. It can be frustraing as heck to do and takes weeks or even a few months to finally accomplish.Sometimes even after you try so hard and keep practicing they still do not understand what they need to do. I remember when I had my first puppy and I had to learn how to potty train him on my own. I really thought that it was going to be a simple task. I was actually more wrong than I have probably ever been in my entire life. Training a dog to go to the bathroom outside is a very hard task to do. I had sttains all over my carpet from him peeing constantly. Of course he is just a puppy and he does not know any better. At least right now he does not, that is why I need to give him the best possible dog training for going to the potty. Here is what worked for me when I had to go through this process for the first time. This may be very helpful to you first time dog owners.

Knowing when he is going to go to the bathroom is a great tool that you can use. Sometimes dogs will give you signs that they need to go to the bathroom. You should always be looking out for these signs. If they seem like they need to go, you should take them out as soon as possible. In fact the sooner you let them out the better. That just means that they are not going to do it on your carpet which is a good thing.

One other very important thing to do when potty training a puppy is to keep them outside more. Sometimes if you just keep taking them on walks they will really start to understand that outside is where you go to the bathroom. Give them treats whenever they go to the bathroom outside, soon they wll start to understand that it is the only place that they can do this. If they continue to do it on the carpet do not shame them and make them feel bad about it. This can make thiings much worse.

That is all that I can offer you when it comes to potty training a puppy. For more information about this please send me a message and I will see to it that you get some sort of professional training help.

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